Game Update

Star Stable turns 7 years old!

Hi StarFam! It’s time to celebrate the best game in the world! Today the great birthday celebrations begin because Star Stable is turning 7 years old!

We’ll be celebrating our birthday up until October 17, so you have plenty of time to participate in all the fun!

Celebrate our birthday with us!

Our birthday falls in the first week of October and this year the party is located in Moorland, right next to Old Jasper’s Barn. This of course means that everyone, including those of you who aren’t Star Riders, can participate! At the party you can fire some cool (and environmentally friendly) fireworks, eat some cake with your friends, show off some dramatic moves on the theatre stage and return your collected golden horseshoes. Oh, golden horseshoes, you wanna know what that’s all about? Keep reading!

Happy Birthday, Star Stable!

Birthday races

If you recently got yourself a new horse and want to level it up, you’ve hit the jackpot! During our birthday celebrations there’s a special race you can participate in every day in order to gain 1500 XP for your horse! Keep an eye out for the Birthday girls at the following locations:

★ Wednesday - Fort Pinta
★ Thursday – Steve's Farm
★ Friday - Moorland
★ Saturday – Jorvik Stables
★ Sunday - Silverglade Vineyard
★ Monday - Valedale lake
★ Tuesday - Firgrove

Find golden horseshoes!

Of course there’s a cool birthday outfit to collect this year, and you’ll do this by looking for golden horseshoes! Talk to the Birthday leader at the party area in Moorland to get your instructions. After that you’ll be able to find 75 horseshoes scattered around Fort Pinta, Moorland, Silverglade VIllage, Firgrove, and Valedale. You’ll even gain some extra shoes every time you finish a birthday race! You collect the shoes by clicking on them, and you need to return to the Birthday leader and talk to her in order to exchange them for your gifts. There are eight clothing items to collect, and when you’ve gotten all of them you’ll get other small gifts instead when exchanging shoes.

Collect golden horseshoes to get the birthday outfit!

Our bird-sday gift to you!

Well, really we should be the ones getting the gifts since it’s our birthday, but we like to give stuff to you guys!

Kora, one of our druid friends, has trained one of her lovely seagulls for a new task – to be able to keep up with your horse whenever you’re out on adventures! This party loving bird can either sit on your saddle bag and wait for its next flight or spread its wings next to you while you’re exploring the wilderness of Jorvik.

Use the Redeem Code FREEGULL to get your own birthday bird with its very own party hat! This Redeem Code is valid throughout this year’s birthday celebrations, so make sure to use it before October 17.

Your very own party bird!

New feature!

Sometimes we all just wanna play Star Stable in peace and quiet and enjoy the game experience – and then, suddenly a wild location name pops up in the middle of your screen when entering a new area! Gets a bit annoying when you KNOW you’re heading into Moorland for the millionth time, right?

Today we’re releasing some new options under the Creative tab in the game alternatives which allow you to:
★ Temporarily block friend requests
★ Temporarily block group invites
★ Temporarily block club invites
★ Temporarily shut off the blinking chat icon in the lower left corner of your screen
★ Temporarily hide all the names of the other players in the game
★ Temporarily hide all the location names that pop up on your screen whenever you enter a new area

All these options are reset whenever you log out of the game.

Jorvik City Fashion Week

Jorvik’s very own fashion week is still going strong, all the way up until next Wednesday! If you need a reminder of what’s going on at Jorvik City Plaza, check out last week’s news post!

Last week with the Kallters!

Next Wednesday, the Kallters are leaving Jorvik along with their Fjord horses. If you still wanna get yourself one of our classic Fjord horses, now is the time to do so!

Horse Market

The Horse Market is open for business at Silverglade Village!

Have an awesome week!
Hugs from your Star Stable Team ♥

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