Shopping Made Easier + Fluffy Kitties!

Hey everyone, and welcome to this week's update, where we've been listening to your feedback!

New Shop Tools!
When we check all of your thousands of messages every week, we sometimes find some really cool and useful feedback and ideas, and one that's popped up pretty often is that you'd like us to make your shopping experience at the Mall a little easier. We hear you!

Filter items in stores by 'newest in' and find the latest trends!

From this week, you can now filter the clothes and gear on sale in the shops so that the newest items appear at the top, and the oldest down at the bottom.

There's also a new category that will show you all the latest items from all categories (pants, tops, hats etc.) right there in the shop!

We hope you'll find these new tools useful, and remember: your feedback and ideas help us make Star Stable better and better all the time! Thanks!

Snow No More!
The icy winds have left Jorvik for another year, and the beautiful sunshine has gently melted all the ice and snow away. Jorvik sure does look lovely in springtime!

Fluffy Cat Shop!
Freja Sunfield has decided that the cats of Jorvik need her help. She's now dedicated to finding new homes for orphaned kittens, and we're pretty sure you guys might be interested in buying one from her?

All new saddle bag buddies on sale at Sunfield Farm!

A whole range of new kitty pets for your saddle bag are ready to meet you if you visit Freja at Sunfield Farm, so ride out and see if you can give these cuties a new home!

To be able to buy cats from Freja, you need to be 'Liked' by the Sunfield Family (that is to have a reputation of 1500 or more). Then you can talk to Freja and she’ll open up the kitty store to you!

New Gear
So now we've got an epic new shopping tool at the Mall, why not use it to check out the very latest gear we've added to the shops this week? Head over to the Mall to give it a try!

Horse Market
Eddie and Ferdinand are constructing the horse market at Fort Pinta, ready to open up next week!

Have a great week!
Hugs from the Star Stable team x

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