Help Ed Field and Check Out Our New Logo!

Hey everyone! A Brand New Look for Star Stable! Last week, we had an interview with our Graphic Designer Malin, who gave us a sneak peek of how our new logo is going to look. Today, we can finally reveal the whole masterpiece!

The brand new Star Stable logo!

We hope you all love it just as much as we do, and we can't wait to start using it all over everything we do! Keep your eyes open for an official launch date coming soon! Ed Field Needs Your Help! That crazy culinary clown Ed Field is back, but this time he's lost a whole bunch of his precious (and clearly insane) recipes. Head over to Wolf Hall Inn to see how you can help him regain his recipes!

Ed Field, everyone's favourite crazy cook!

New Clothes & Gear You'll find some brand new stuff on the shelves at the Mall this week! There's going to be a bunch of new styles plus some cool new equipment, so take a trip to Jorvik City Plaza to check it all out! Horse Market Eddie and Ferdinand are spending this week setting up in Fort Pinta. See you next week! from the Star Stable team

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