
Next up in Jorvik!

We have some amazing content coming up for you guys over the next month. Take a sneak peek at the exciting things on their way to Jorvik!

Welsh Pony Update

★ The Welsh Pony is getting an update. All they need is a friend to travel with who can keep up with their stamina! In Jorvik, the Welsh Pony has seven beautiful coat variations.

Quest: On the Trail of Anne

★ Join Linda, Lisa, and a most unlikely ally, Pi, on a quest to find Anne and Alex — while a mysterious force seems determined to stop you!

Horses of Jorvik

★ Giddy up! Guillermo Gadea is back with a cross country race for Horses of Jorvik. You can race with your Gotland Pony, Chincoteague Pony and Welsh Pony.

A new snazzy line of bridles

★ A snazzy line of bridles is available based on highly requested versions of existing bridles! Take your pick from a classic drop noseband bridle to a sturdy western rope halter, as modeled by the horse in the picture.

In the same week…

★ Rex Stamper’s new clothing collection has dropped. Level up your style with matching helmets, gloves and shirts. The Peacock Butterfly horses Dorcha and Solas are making a reappearance.


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